Unlimited employment authorisation forms (single permit)

1) The application form must be completed:

  • either online at the one-stop shop

Access the online application form on the Working in Belgium portal (access via CSAM - Electronic identity card or ITSME device).

Applying online allows any status change in the processing of the application to be seen immediately.


  • or via the paper form to be sent to the administration

Download the paper application form - to be completed, signed, scanned and sent to permisdetravail.entreprises@spw.wallonie.be, together with the required appendices.



2) Please note that the following documents must always be attached to the unlimited employment authorisation form (in electronic or paper form):

  • a copy of a valid passport for the worker;
  • proof that the worker and their family members are registered with a recognised mutual insurance fund;
  • a copy of the payslips for the entire period for which the last employment authorisation is valid;
  • a copy of all the Employment permits B or Single permits based on fixed-term employment authorisation previously granted by the Walloon Region or another Region (1) (see table below);
  • a copy of the current employment contract or, if this is not available, a copy of any other document proving that the third-country national has sufficient means of subsistence (in accordance with Article 61/25-6, § 1, 2 of the Law of 15 December 1980 on the entry into the territory, residence, settlement and expulsion of foreigners);
  • if the worker is authorised to work as a long-term resident in another EU Member State, and after effective employment of more than 12 months in a profession with a labour shortage in Belgium, a copy of this "Long-term resident - EU" residence permit.


(1) The number of years of work required under Employment permit B or Single permit based on fixed-term employment authorisation previously granted by the Walloon Region or another Region varies depending on the following situations:


application for access to unlimited employment for a foreign worker, a long-term resident of another EU Member State, after effective employment of more than 12 months in a profession with a labour shortage.


(RD 16/05/2019 Art. 16, para. 1, 18°)

1 year

application for access to unlimited employment for a foreign worker of Turkish, Tunisian or Moroccan nationality or from a former Yugoslav state, accompanied by their legally resident family

(RD 16/05/2019 Art. 3).

2 years

application for access to unlimited employment for a foreign worker of Turkish, Tunisian or Moroccan nationality or from a former Yugoslav state, not accompanied by their legally resident family

(RD 16/05/2019 Art. 3).

3 years

application for access to unlimited employment for a foreign worker of a different nationality, accompanied by their legally resident family

(RD 16/05/2019 Art. 3).

3 years

application for access to unlimited employment for a foreign worker of a different nationality, not accompanied by their legally resident family

(RD 16/05/2019 Art. 3).

4 years