Formation en alternance

Une combinaison gagnante entre école et monde du travail

L’alternance est une formule d’apprentissage qui combine des périodes de formation générale et professionnelle (à l’école ou en centre de formation agréé) avec des périodes de stage pratique en entreprise.

Elle permet aux apprenants de se former, d’acquérir une expérience et des compétences en lien avec le marché du travail, d’obtenir une qualification officielle et reconnue, de percevoir une rémunération.

Elle répond directement aux compétences attendues par les entreprises.  L’employeur a l’occasion de former un jeune en adéquation avec ses besoins.

L’alternance est un dispositif permettant l’accès au marché du travail.

La filière de formation en alternance s’organise par la mise en place d’un partenariat entre un opérateur de formation agréé, un apprenant et une entreprise.


Le Service Public de Wallonie octroie des incitants financiers à la formation en alternance

L'organisation des formations est prise en charge par les CEFA et l'IFAPME. Ces opérateurs de formation agréent les entreprises qui accueillent des apprenants en formation en alternance.

Service public de Wallonie grants sandwich-training assistance:

A "self-employed individual" incentive (P1)

This incentive aims to partially compensate for the administrative costs linked to compliance with social law regulations (e.g. affiliation to a social secretariat, insurance, medical examination, etc.).

The self-employed individual, who has no employees and who trains an apprentice under a sandwich-training contract, may receive €750. The self-employed individual may only receive this incentive once; during the conclusion of the first sandwich-training contract with a young person.

This bonus is payable at the time of submission of the application and after verification of the eligibility criteria.


An incentive for partner companies of the CEFA and the IFAPME (P2).

This aims to strengthen the supervision of the apprentice, within the company, by an approved trainer, particularly during their first year of sandwich training.

The company receives €750 when the apprentice successfully completes their first year of training.

The company that is hosting a young person as part of a sandwich-training course must be approved by the training operator (CEFA or IFAPME) beforehand. This company must have an establishment in Wallonia and have, within its team, one approved trainer (to be approved, the trainer must have taken training, or have a “trainer” qualification based on their years of experience). The young person must have been subject to a sandwich-training contract for at least 270 days (9 months).

This bonus is payable when the following cumulative criteria have been satisfied: 

  • The apprentice has completed 270 days at the company;
  • The apprentice has passed at level B;
  • The trainer has completed the training.


An incentive for apprentices (P3)

The objective is to motivate the young person to complete their training and obtain their certification (at least a qualification certificate, an apprenticeship certificate, a specific qualification certificate or any equivalent qualification or certificate).

To this end, the young person receives €750 when they pass their final year.

This replaces the starting bonus.

This bonus is payable as soon as the young person is certified (specific CQ, CQ6, CQ7, CESS (subject to certain conditions) and IFAPME equivalent).


A subsidy for sandwich-training operators (P4)

Sandwich-training operators (CEFA and IFAPME) can receive subsidies that are intended to strengthen the supervision of learners in companies and training centres.

These subsidies partially cover staffing and operating costs. These are not dependent on the success of the young person, but the young person must have been subject to a sandwich-training contract for a cumulative 270 days. These subsidies amount to €1,000 per apprentice.

This bonus is payable as soon as the young person has been supervised for one academic year (1 September – 31 August) and after validation of the OFFA

Formation en alternance

Qui peut se former en alternance?

This training pathway is open to young people aged between 15 and 25, who have completed the first level of secondary education.

In order to benefit from the financial incentive, the practical training must take place in Wallonia, excluding the territory of the German-speaking community.

The theoretical training must be given by a Walloon training operator (CEFA outside Brussels and IFAPME).

Quelles sont les formations reconnues?

Pour en savoir plus sur les métiers et les formations  accessibles par cette filière, consultez les sites suivants:

Comment s'inscrire dans une formation en alternance?

Le jeune qui souhaite se former en alternance  a le loisir de s’inscrire soit dans un CEFA de la Communauté française, soit auprès de l’IFAPME.

Avec l’aide de l’opérateur de formation, il conclut un contrat d’alternance avec l’entreprise où il effectue son stage.

Un plan de formation est établi par l’opérateur de formation. Celui-ci assure par ailleurs la formation théorique et l’accompagnement de l’élève en vue de son insertion socioprofessionnelle.