Professional cards

Professional cards for self-employed workers who are not Belgian nationals

Who should apply for a professional card?

Click here for further information on the exemptions


What are the criteria for the issuing of a professional card?

Where to apply for a professional card

Persons wanting to obtain a professional card must submit their application:

  • to the Belgian diplomatic or consular post in their country of residence if they live abroad.
  • to the recognised business counter of their choice, if they have a valid:

- "registration certificate model A"

- or "certificate of registration in the aliens' register"

There is one exception to this rule: if persons wanting to obtain a professional card cannot submit their application in their country of residence for reasons of safety, they may perform this process:

  • either at a Belgian diplomatic or consular post in a different country,
  • or at a business counter.

An application for this last option must be submitted to the Walloon Minister of Employment, be justified and be accompanied by documentary proof of the situation.

How to apply for a professional card

The procedure for examining an application for a professional card

  1. The diplomatic or consular post or the business counter that receives the application sends it to the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits. If the application is sent by a business counter, it must be sent within five days.
  2. The Directorate of Employment and Work Permits checks whether the application has been submitted in accordance with the rules.
    • If this is not the case, the application is judged inadmissible and the applicant is notified of this fact through the diplomatic or consular post or the business counter that received the application.
    • If the rules have been respected, the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits examines the application.
  3. If the application meets the required criteria, the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits issues the applicant with a professional card. This is sent to them via a business counter. If the criteria are not met, the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits notifies the applicant of the reasoned refusal and sends this decision via the diplomatic post or business counter.

Validity of a professional card

Professional cards are allocated for a maximum period of five years.

A first card is usually issued on a probationary basis for two years.

It may be renewed at the end of this period provided that self-employed foreign workers satisfy the regulatory, tax and social obligations as well as the criterion of usefulness that justified the granting of the authorisation.

Employed workers must submit their renewal application at least three months before the expiry date of their card, via the chosen business counter.

The validity of the card is linked to the right of residence. If this right is withdrawn, the card can no longer be used and must be returned to the business counter.

A change of data or the loss of the professional card

The card is issued for one or more specific activities, as stated on the authorisation. Any change or addition to this activity therefore requires a new authorisation to be issued in advance. Similarly, any change to the information stated on the authorisation requires its modification.

Self-employed workers may request these changes via the chosen business counter. The same applies to replacements if the professional card is lost or destroyed. In this event, the application must be accompanied by a sworn declaration of loss or destruction.

The cost of a professional card

  • €140 to submit an application for a first professional card and for its modification, replacement or renewal;
  • €90 per year of validity for issuing or renewal, via a business counter;
  • However, no fee is payable for the replacement of a lost card.

The procedures for appealing against a decision to refuse a professional card

Applicants may introduce an appeal in the event of a refusal.

Such an appeal must be introduced within a period of 30 days from the day after the date on which the applicants learned of the decision.

The appeal must be submitted to the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits of the Wallonia Public Service.

The Minister immediately refers the matter to the Walloon Economic Enquiry Council for Aliens to request their opinion. This opinion must be provided within four months of the introduction of the appeal.

The Council is independent of the Administration. It is presided by a magistrate or lawyer and composed of civil servants representing the different departments involved in the issue. It may request any information it considers useful for examining the dossier.

The Council invites applicants to defend their interests at a hearing. Applicants may be assisted by the person of their choice. However, applicants who cannot be present may only be represented by a lawyer. The hearing may be postponed in the event of a duly justified inability to reply to the summons.

The Minister will make the decision alone if the Council does not issue an opinion.

The Minister has two months to make a decision from the issuing of the Council opinion or four months if the Council has not issued an opinion by this time.

If the Minister does not make a decision within these two months, the Council opinion shall be considered the final decision.