Registration of an employment agency
What is an employment agency?
Employment agencies are either legal or natural persons who provide employment services on their own behalf or on behalf of a third party or have a third party provide them on their behalf.
Employment agencies may offer the following services:
- temporary employment service: the agency offers temporary work positions;
- job-search service: the agency looks for a job for workers who request this;
- recruitment and selection service: the agency looks for workers to meet employers' needs;
- integration service: the agency helps workers to find a job themselves;
- outplacement service: the agency provides redundant workers with the tools they need to find another job;
- finding positions for professional athletes;
- finding positions for performance artists.
Employment agencies have to be registered
There are a few exemptions to registration requirements
The following structures are exempt from submitting a registration application as an employment agency:
1° public employment services
2° the selection offices of the federal or regional public services
3° job-seeking services for seafarers
4° public social welfare centres (CPAS) if they provide integration services
5° universities and colleges, Arts colleges and Architecture colleges if they provide job-seeking services
6° Regional employment missions if they provide job-seeking or integration services
7° integration companies if they provide integration services.
The bodies mentioned in points 4, 5, 6 and 7 must still provide a simplified annual activity report.
How to register as an employment agency
The agency must complete the application form (only available in French) for registration as a recruitment and selection agency, job search, insertion, outplacement, artists or athletes placement.
Belgian agencies have to submit their online registration request using a new electronic form available in the “Mon Espace” platform. People wishing to access their company's Professional Space on “Mon Espace” must have a Belgian identity card and have previously received an invitation from the Principal Access Manager (GAP) appointed within the company. All the documentation relative to this procedure can be found in the "Help Center" on “Mon Espace”. Click here to learn how to use “Mon Espace”.
Foreign agencies that do not have a Belgian company number have to submit their registration request using a Word form (only available in French).
Registration application files are processed directly by the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits of the Public Service of Wallonia. The employment agency receives a permanent registration number.
Wallonia has created an advisory and concertation committee on placement which, through its missions, oversees this legal system.
Employment agencies have to provide an activity report
Employment agencies are obliged to submit an annual activity report containing:
- quantitative and qualitative data
- data outlined by the Consultation and Dialogue Committee for employment issues of the Economic and Social Council (CESRW)
The objective is to guarantee the visibility and transparency of the regional labour market.
Agencies have to submit the activity report online on the “Mon Espace” platform. Click here to learn how to use “Mon Espace”.
Foreign agencies, and only those ones, which cannot yet access My Space due to lack of authentication compatible with our system, have the option of completing the report in a Word form.
Please note that the activity report must be completed by 06/30 of year N at the latest. For 2021 activities, the activity report must therefore be completed by 06/30 of the year 2022 at the latest.
The role of the Consultation and Dialogue Committee for employment issues
This Commission is part of the Walloon Region Economic and Social Council.
The missions of this Committee are to issue reasoned opinions on:
- the different types of services involved
- the suspension or withdrawal of registration of employment agencies
- all issues relating to job-finding in general
- and to submit an annual activity report to the Government and to the Walloon Parliament
The composition of this Committee:
- a President and a Vice President
- representatives of employer organisations
- representatives of employee organisations
- representatives of Government
This Committee includes a Consultation Chamber whose role is to:
1° organise the collection of data between:
- the Walloon vocational training and employment office, the Forem
- the employment agencies
- the temporary employment agencies
2° to organise the sharing of the data exploitation results by the Forem
3° to organise cooperation in areas of common interest between:
- the Forem
- the employment agencies
- the temporary employment agencies
4° to submit proposals to the Government on ways of increasing the transparency of the regional labour market, and in particular to establish a framework for the collection of information.
As well as representatives of the Consultation Committee, this Chamber includes:
- representatives of the Forem,
- representatives of the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics ( IWEPS)
- on invitation, experts whose presence is considered necessary